What is the Benefit of the Wireless Calling for Self-Service System?

 "Why Wireless Calling for Self-Service System is needed?"

Self-Service gas station, Laundromat and Cafe, nowadays  you can often see self-service store surrounding your life. With the increasing popularity of wireless paging and calling systems, here’s everything you need to know about them. You may also be surprised to know that you’ll be able to save costs by using a Syscall Wireless system. please take look at the below for getting more details.

Gas Station

If customers need any help during self-refueling, they can press the call button nearby fuel dispenser. Then the staff in the mart right next to gas station will recognize the call through SR-A receiver and respond immediately. (With Syscall systems, you can keep maintaining customer satisfaction while providing self-service.)



When the washing machine is not working properly or having queries about instruction, just press Syscall call button to ask for help. Then the staff at café can check it through SR-300F and assist promptly.      


Staff will call customers by GP-2000T when their drinks are ready for pick up. And the customers will be notified with vibrating Guest pager on their hand. Through Syscall systems, customer can spend their waiting time more efficiently.

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